Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2017-05-30 01:18:34 (GMT)
M 1.0
37.8907° N
22.4807° E
 Focal Depth
5 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 35.9 km ESE of Kalavrita
40.0 km W of Korinthos
110.3 km W of Athens
 Solution type

  Station data

GURHP13.2293 P01:18:37.48 -0.51.0A
THALHA22.7 45 P01:18:38.11 -1.41.0A
KLVHL33.6301 P01:18:40.47 -0.81.0A
PSARHA55.9332 P01:18:44.67 -0.31.0A
TRIZHA63.7326 P01:18:47.31 1.11.0A
EPIDHA64.0119 P01:18:47.64 1.31.0A
SERGHP68.9328 P01:18:47.90 0.81.0A
KRNDHT81.6134 P01:18:49.47 0.21.0A
ANXHP92.2328 P01:18:51.54 0.61.0A
LKRHL95.7 28 P01:18:51.41 -0.11.0A
VLIHL136.8162 P01:18:56.81 -0.91.0A