Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2017-02-22 05:31:11 (GMT)
M 2.7
39.5163° N
26.0864° E
 Focal Depth
10 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 41.3 km NNW of Mitilini
84.3 km ESE of Limnos
265.9 km NE of Athens
 Solution type

  Station data

PRKHL33.8152 P05:31:18.82 -0.21.0A
SIGRHT39.3210 P05:31:19.23 -0.61.0A
SMTHHL116.2336 P05:31:31.13 -0.61.0A
CHOSHT125.6181 P05:31:33.13 0.11.0A
ALNHT153.4359 P05:31:36.69 0.11.0A
THASHT168.0317 P05:31:37.91 -0.81.0A
RDOHL187.0346 P05:31:41.44 0.21.0A
KYMIHL197.6241 P05:31:41.69 -0.91.0A
OURHT201.2297 P05:31:43.11 0.01.0A
KAVAHT211.8321 P05:31:43.88 -0.51.0A
DIONHL245.8230 P05:31:50.34 1.71.0A
APEHL276.1190 P05:31:52.34 0.01.0A
SRSHT276.3311 P05:31:53.09 0.61.0A
NVRHL277.2318 P05:31:53.29 0.71.0A
KNTHT326.3305 P05:31:59.17 0.51.0A
KLVHL378.4246 P05:32:05.08 -0.11.0A
KTHAHL449.2217 P05:32:13.94 0.11.0A
DRAGHT484.5261 P05:32:17.93 -0.41.0A