Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2025-02-04 18:39:37 (GMT)
M 2.8
36.6028° N
25.6462° E
 Focal Depth
2 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 28.1 km NE of Thira
60.8 km SSE of Naxos
228.5 km SE of Athens
 Solution type
 Files / Links
QuakeML  GSE2.0  Alert  .phi  

  Station data

ANYDHT4.1 43 P18:39:37.54 -0.91.0A
CMBOHT26.0236 P18:39:42.89 0.81.0A
SAP3HL32.7235 P18:39:42.50 -0.81.0A
APEHL53.4348 P18:39:44.69 -2.01.0A
MIL7HL103.0277 P18:39:54.02 -1.11.0A
NSR2HA134.7 91 P18:40:00.30 0.31.0A
NPSHL149.2181 P18:40:01.56 -0.41.0A
KNSSHC150.4196 P18:40:02.48 0.41.0A
IDIMN161.3205 P18:40:02.31 -1.41.0A
SMGHL161.7 40 P18:40:03.86 0.11.0A
PFKSHC174.1185 P18:40:06.70 1.21.0A
ATHUHA223.9313 P18:40:14.27 2.01.0A
MRTHHA226.4319 P18:40:14.45 1.91.0A
VLIHL241.1274 P18:40:13.00 -1.41.0A
KLVHL348.1298 P18:40:28.01 0.41.0A
GR121Y507.7329 P18:40:48.12 0.81.0A

  Solution details

    Public ID              nkua2025cloa
      region name: Dodecanese Islands, Greece
    Date                   2025-02-04
    Time                  18:39:37.30  +/-    0.3 s
    Latitude              36.6028 deg  +/-      2 km
    Longitude             25.6462 deg  +/-      3 km
    Depth                       2 km
    Agency                 HA
    Mode                   automatic
    Status                 NOT SET
    Residual RMS             1.17 s
    Azimuthal gap              90 deg

2 Network magnitudes:
    MLv       2.80 +/- 0.18   9            
    M         2.80            9 preferred  

17 Phase arrivals:
    sta  net   dist azi  phase   time          res     wt  sta
    ANYD  HT    0.0  43  P       18:39:37.54  -0.9 A  1.0  ANYD 
    CMBO  HT    0.2 236  P       18:39:42.89   0.8 A  1.0  CMBO 
    SAP3  HL    0.3 235  P       18:39:42.50  -0.8 A  1.0  SAP3 
    APE   HL    0.5 348  P       18:39:44.69  -2.0 A  1.0  APE  
    MIL7  HL    0.9 277  P       18:39:54.02  -1.1 A  1.0  MIL7 
    NSR2  HA    1.2  91  P       18:40:00.30   0.3 A  1.0  NSR2 
    NPS   HL    1.3 181  P       18:40:01.56  -0.4 A  1.0  NPS  
    KNSS  HC    1.4 196  P       18:40:02.48   0.4 A  1.0  KNSS 
    IDI   MN    1.5 205  P       18:40:02.31  -1.4 A  1.0  IDI  
    SMG   HL    1.5  40  P       18:40:03.86   0.1 A  1.0  SMG  
    PFKS  HC    1.6 185  P       18:40:06.70   1.2 A  1.0  PFKS 
    ATHU  HA    2.0 313  P       18:40:14.27   2.0 A  1.0  ATHU 
    MRTH  HA    2.0 319  P       18:40:14.45   1.9 A  1.0  MRTH 
    VLI   HL    2.2 274  P       18:40:13.00  -1.4 A  1.0  VLI  
    ERTR  HA    2.3 321  P       18:40:19.69   3.1 AX 0.0  ERTR 
    KLV   HL    3.1 298  P       18:40:28.01   0.4 A  1.0  KLV  
    GR12  1Y    4.6 329  P       18:40:48.12   0.8 A  1.0  GR12 

11 Station magnitudes:
    sta  net   dist azi  type   value   res        amp per
    ANYD  HT    0.0  43  MLv     3.04  0.24    68.4332      
    CMBO  HT    0.2 236  MLv     2.47 -0.33    5.19605      
    SAP3  HL    0.3 235  MLv     2.25 -0.55    3.56812      
    APE   HL    0.5 348  MLv     2.61 -0.18    1.51217      
    MIL7  HL    0.9 277  MLv     3.50  0.70    4.85597      
    NSR2  HA    1.2  91  MLv     3.08  0.28    1.27909      
    NPS   HL    1.3 181  MLv     2.88  0.09   0.689795      
    KNSS  HC    1.4 196  MLv     2.83  0.03   0.594546      
    IDI   MN    1.5 205  MLv     2.74 -0.06    0.42723      
    SMG   HL    1.5  40  MLv     2.80  0.00    0.49008      
    PFKS  HC    1.6 185  MLv     2.72 -0.08   0.353392