Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2023-01-23 23:41:16 (GMT)
M 1.5
38.7437° N
21.3079° E
 Focal Depth
10 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 37.4 km W of Karpenision
43.0 km NNW of Mesolonghi
227.7 km WNW of Athens
 Solution type
 Files / Links
QuakeML  GSE2.0  Alert  .phi  

  Station data

PDOHP19.4214 P23:41:20.83 -0.41.0A
AMPLHP21.5338 P23:41:21.03 -0.51.0A
PVOHP23.6127 P23:41:21.30 -0.61.0A
PLEVHP37.8167 P23:41:23.37 -0.71.0A
EVRHL47.6 66 P23:41:25.85 0.21.0A
AGRPCL52.9137 P23:41:25.87 -0.61.0A
VVKHP56.5129 P23:41:28.34 1.31.0A
LKD2HT56.6275 P23:41:27.57 0.51.0A
EVGIHT58.2257 P23:41:27.29 0.01.0A
AXSHP61.2174 P23:41:27.93 0.21.0A
GR201Y66.5 35 P23:41:28.30 -0.31.0A
TETRHL66.9358 P23:41:29.02 0.41.0A
FSKHP72.1244 P23:41:29.54 0.01.0A
RLSHL77.7170 P23:41:30.99 0.61.0A

  Solution details

    Public ID              nkua2023bpzy
      region name: Greece
    Date                   2023-01-23
    Time                  23:41:16.49  +/-    0.3 s
    Latitude              38.7437 deg  +/-      2 km
    Longitude             21.3079 deg  +/-      3 km
    Depth                      10 km
    Agency                 HA
    Mode                   automatic
    Status                 NOT SET
    Residual RMS             0.56 s
    Azimuthal gap              62 deg

2 Network magnitudes:
    MLv       1.53 +/- 0.20  10            
    M         1.53           10 preferred  

14 Phase arrivals:
    sta  net   dist azi  phase   time          res     wt  sta
    PDO   HP    0.2 214  P       23:41:20.83  -0.4 A  1.0  PDO  
    AMPL  HP    0.2 338  P       23:41:21.03  -0.5 A  1.0  AMPL 
    PVO   HP    0.2 127  P       23:41:21.30  -0.6 A  1.0  PVO  
    PLEV  HP    0.3 167  P       23:41:23.37  -0.7 A  1.0  PLEV 
    EVR   HL    0.4  66  P       23:41:25.85   0.2 A  1.0  EVR  
    AGRP  CL    0.5 137  P       23:41:25.87  -0.6 A  1.0  AGRP 
    VVK   HP    0.5 129  P       23:41:28.34   1.3 A  1.0  VVK  
    LKD2  HT    0.5 275  P       23:41:27.57   0.5 A  1.0  LKD2 
    EVGI  HT    0.5 257  P       23:41:27.29  -0.0 A  1.0  EVGI 
    AXS   HP    0.6 174  P       23:41:27.93   0.2 A  1.0  AXS  
    GR20  1Y    0.6  35  P       23:41:28.30  -0.3 A  1.0  GR20 
    TETR  HL    0.6 358  P       23:41:29.02   0.4 A  1.0  TETR 
    FSK   HP    0.6 244  P       23:41:29.54   0.0 A  1.0  FSK  
    RLS   HL    0.7 170  P       23:41:30.99   0.6 A  1.0  RLS  

12 Station magnitudes:
    sta  net   dist azi  type   value   res        amp per
    PDO   HP    0.2 214  MLv     1.65  0.12    1.15123      
    AMPL  HP    0.2 338  MLv     1.07 -0.46   0.271421      
    PVO   HP    0.2 127  MLv     1.45 -0.08   0.571145      
    PLEV  HP    0.3 167  MLv     1.26 -0.27   0.162113      
    EVR   HL    0.4  66  MLv     1.46 -0.07   0.147003      
    AGRP  CL    0.5 137  MLv     1.44 -0.08     0.1056      
    VVK   HP    0.5 129  MLv     1.01 -0.51   0.148754      
    LKD2  HT    0.5 275  MLv     1.76  0.23     0.1763      
    EVGI  HT    0.5 257  MLv     1.91  0.39    0.22886      
    AXS   HP    0.6 174  MLv     1.65  0.12   0.109959      
    GR20  1Y    0.6  35  MLv     1.64  0.11    0.10101      
    FSK   HP    0.6 244  MLv     1.81  0.28   0.141251