Research Activity in Geothermics





Sakkas, V., Novali, F., Damiata B.N., Bellotti, F., Vassilopoulou, S., Lagios, E., Allievi, J. (2014) Ground Deformation Study of Kos Island (SE Greece) Based on Squee-SarTM Interferometric Technique, Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International, Quebec Canada (accepted).


Efstathiou, A., Tzanis, A., Chailas, S., Lagios, E. and Stamatakis, M., 2013. Investigation of the deep structure and magmatic activity at the NW Hellenic Volcanic Arc with 3-D aeromagnetic inversion and seismotectonic analysis. Geophys. Res. Abs., 15, no EGU2013-617, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria. Online abstract and presentation.

Lagios E., Sakkas V., Novali F., Bellotti F., Ferretti A., Vlachou K. & Dietrich V. (2013). SqueeSARTM and GPS Ground Deformation Monitoring of Santorini Volcano (1992-2012): Tectonic Implications. Tectonophysics, 594, 38-59 , Online Preview is available; doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2013.03.012.

Suplementary Material : (i) KML File (GPS stations, Mogi Sources) (ii) PDF File (extra information about Santorini Gravity, GPS & Interferometric results) (Online pdf)


Chailas S., Tzanis A. and Lagios E., 2012. Internal structure of the Santorini volcanic complex determined by interpretation of gravity and magnetotelluric data. Int Conf. “Volcanism of the Southern Aegean in the frame of the broader Mediterranean area – VOLSAM 2012, 10-12 October 2012, Santorini, Greece. Online PDF.

Efstathiou, A., Tzanis, A., Chailas, S., Lagios, E. and Stamatakis, M., 2012. High resolution imaging of the Methana volcanic complex, Greece, with magnetotelluric and aeromagnetic data. Geophys. Res. Abs., 14, no EGU2012-11673, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria. Online abstract and presentation.

Efstathiou A., Tzanis, A., Chailas, S. and Stamatakis, M., 2012. Magmatic activity at the NW Hellenic Volcanic Arc (Argolis peninsula) and its relationship to regional tectonics: An analysis based on 3D aeromagnetic inversion and other geophysical and geological observations. Int Conf. “Volcanism of the Southern Aegean in the frame of the broader Mediterranean area – VOLSAM 2012, 10-12 October 2012, Santorini, Greece.

Lagios E., Novali F., Sakkas V., Vlachou K., Bellotti F., Giannico C. & Ferretti A (2012). SqueeSARTM & GPS Ground Deformation Monitoring (1992-2012) of Santorini Volcano (Greece). AGU Fall meeting 2012, San Francisco (USA).

Novali F., Bellotti F.,Giannico C., Lagios E., Sakkas V., Vlachou K., (2012). Ground Deformation of Santorini Volcano (1992-2012) based on SqueeSARTM Analysis and GPS Measurements. International Forum on Satellite Earth Observation for Geohazards Risk Management on 21-23 May 2012 , ESA.(pdf)

Sakkas, V., Lagios, E., Vlachou, K., Novali, F., Bellotti, F., Giannico, C., Sigmundsson, F. (2012). Monitoring the "Unrest" Period (2010-2012) of Santorini volcano (Greece) by SqueeSAR & GPS measurements. VOLSAM 2012 - Volcanism of the Southern Aegean in the frame of the broader Mediterranean area, 10-12 October 2012, Santorini Island, Greece.

Sakkas, V. & Lagios E., (2012). Nisyros Volcano: Updating the ground deformation. VOLSAM 2012 - Volcanism of the Southern Aegean in the frame of the broader Mediterranean area, 10-12 October 2012, Santorini Island, Greece.


Ganas A., Lagios E., Petropoulos G., & Psiloglou B. (2010). Thermal imaging of Nisyros volcano (Aegean Sea) using ASTER data: estimation of radiative heat flux. International Journal of Remote Sensing, V31 (No 15), 4033-4047. (pdf)

Papageorgiou, E., Tzanis, A., Sotiropoulos, P. and Lagios, E., 2010. DGPS and Magnetotelluric constrainsts on the Contemporary Tectonics of the Santorini Volcanic Complex, Greece, in Proceedings, 12th Int. Congress Geol. Soc. Greece, Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XLIII, No1, 344 - 356. Online PDF or download complete Volume 1.


Meju, M.A. and Sakkas, V. (2007). Heterogeneous crust and upper mantle across southern Kenya and the relationship to surface deformation as inferred from magnetotelluric imaging. Journal Geophysical Research, 112, B04103.


Galanopoulos D., Sakkas V., Kosmatos D. & Lagios E. (2005). Geoelectric Investigation of the Hellenic Subduction Zone using Long Period Magnetotelluric Data. Tectonophysics, 409, 73-84.



Sakkas V., Meju M.A. Khan M.A., Haak V., Simpson F., (2002). Magnetotelluric Images of the crustal structure of Chyulu Hills volcanic field, Kenya, Tectonophysics 346, 169-185.


Lagios E., Apostolopoulos G. & Papanikolaou D. (1998). Geophysical studies relating to the tectonic structure of Kos Island (Greece). Proc. 8th Intern. Congress Geol. Soc. of Greece, Patra, May 27-29, Vol. 32/4, 205-214.

Lagios E., Chailas S., Giannopoulos J. & Sotiropoulos P. (1998). Surveillance of Nissyros Volcano: Establishment and remeasurement of Rn & GPS networks. Proc. 8th Intern. Congress Geol. Soc. Greece, Patra, May 27-29, Vol. 32/4, 215-227.

Lagios E. & Galanopoulos D. (1998). Geothermal Prospection of Kimolos Island from Magnetotelluric Measurements. Proc. 8th Intern. Congress, Geol. Soc. of Greece, Patra, May 27-29, Vol. 32/4, 255-265.


Apostolopoulos G., Louis J. & Lagios E. (1997). The Self- Potential method in Geothermal Exploration in Greece. Geophysics, 62/6, 1715-1723.

Lagios E., Galanopoulos D., Hobbs B.A. & Dawes G.J.K. (1997). Two-Dimensional Magnetotelluric modelling of the Kos Island geothermal region (Greece). Tectonophysics, 287, 157-172.


Galanopoulos D. & Lagios E. (1996). Subsurface structure of Kimolos and Polyaegos Geothermal Regions from Audio- Magnetotelluric measurements. Paper pres. at 1st Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society, Sept. 23-27, Athens, Greece.

Sotiropoulos P., Galanopoulos D., Lagios E. & Dawes G.J.K. (1996). One-Dimensional Magnetotelluric modelling of Thera Volcano, Greece. Paper pres. at 1st Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society, Sept. 23-27, Athens, Greece.

Sotiropoulos P., Galanopoulos D., Lagios E. & Dawes G.J.K. (1996). An Audio-Magnetotelluric (AMT) survey on Santorini Volcano, Greece. Proc. 2nd Workshop on European Laboratory Volcanoes, May 2-4, Santorini, Greece (Publ. Europ. Comm. DGXII Environment and Climate Res. Progr.), 281-295.


Liritzis I., Lagios E. & Kosmatos D. (1995). Detailed results from Radon isotopes measurements from Nissyros and Sussaki geothermal fields. Comptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences (Paris), 321, 473-480.

Lagios E. & Apostolopoulos G. (1995). The tectonic structure of Kos Island deduced by multi-disciplinary geophysical and tectonic research. Paper presented in 95th Intern. Geophysical Conference & Exposition, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Lagios E. & Apostolopoulos G. (1995). Integrated geophysical study of the geothermal system in the southern part of Nisyros Island, Greece. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 34, 55-61.


Lagios E., Tzanis A., Delibasis N., Drakopoulos J. & Dawes GKJ (1994). Geothermal Exploration of Kos Island, Greece: Magnetotelluric and Microseismicity studies. Geothermics, 23, 267-281.

Liritzis I, Poulakos G., Lagios E. & Kosmatos D. (1994). A correlation study between Ozon and volcanic activity. Earth Moon and Planets, 66, 217-230.

Apostolopoulos G., Louis J. & Lagios E. (1994). The Self-Potential method in Geothermal Exploration of Greece. Proc. 64th Annual Meeting of Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Los Angeles, USA, 661-664.

Tzanis A. & Lagios E. (1994). Magnetotelluric reconnaissance in Methana Peninsula Volcanic Complex (West Saronikos Gulf, Greece). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XXX/5, 15-26.


Tzanis, A. & Lagios E. (1993). Magnetotelluric exploration of Sussaki geothermal prospect, Corinth Prefecture, Greece: The first results. Proc. 2nd Intern. Congr. Hellen. Geophys. Union, May 5-7, Florina, Greece, 2, 229-243.

Apostolopoulos, G. & Lagios, E. (1993). Reconnaissance geophysical studies of the geothermal system in the area of Hypati Hot Spring, Sperchios River Basin. Proc. 2nd Intern. Congr. Hellen. Geophys. Union, May 5-7, Florina, Greece, 2, 330-339.

Lagios, E. & Apostolopoulos, G. (1993). Reconnaissance geophysical studies of the geothermal system in the southern part of Nissyros Island, Greece. Paper pres. 55th Intern. Confer. European Assoc. Explor. Geophysicists, June 7-11, Stavanger, Norway.


Tzanis, A., Lagios, E. & Dawes, G.J.K. (1992). Identification of active fluid circulation zones in the geothermal field of Nisyros caldera, Greece, with Audiomagnetotelluric data. Paper pres. XVII European Geophysical Society General Assembly, Edinburgh, April 6-10, UK.

Kosmatos, D., Lagios, E., Giannopoulos, J. & Liritzis, J. (1992). Studies of Radon Isotopes in Geothermal Fields of Greece. Proc. 6th Congr. Hellen. Geol. Soc., Athens, 2, 605- 622.

Tzanis, A. & Lagios, E. (1992). Relationship between active tectonics and fluid circulation in the geothermal System of the Nissyros Caldera. Proc. 6th Congr. Geol. Soc. of Greece, Athens, 2, 587-603.

Volti, Th., Dawes, G.J.K., Lagios, E. and Tzanis, A., (1992). Magnetotelluric investigation of Methana Peninsula (Aegean Volcanic Arc), Greece. Paper pres. XVII European Geophysical Society General Assembly, Edinburgh, April 6-10, UK.


Dawes, G.J.K. and Lagios, E. (1991). A magnetotelluric survey of the Nissyros Geothermal Field. Geothermics, 20, 225-235 p.

Lagios, E. (1991). A Magnetotelluric study of the structure of Nisyros geothermal field. Proc. 5th Congr. Hellen. Geol. Soc. Greece, Bull. Geol. Soc., 25/3, 393-407.

Tzanis, A. and Lagios, E. (1991). Magnetotelluric Investigations of the Geothermal Potential in Southern Greece. Proc. General Conf. Balkan Physical Union, Thessaloniki, September 26-28, Greece.

Tzanis, A., Lagios, E. and Dawes, G.J.K. (1991). Gravity and AMT study of the western Kos island geothermal prospect, Greece. Paper pres. UKGA XV, Leicester, U.K.


Lagios, E. and Dawes, G. (1990). AMT geothermal exploration of Nissyros geothermal field. Paper pres. U.K. Geophys. Assembly -14, April 19-21, Plymouth, U.K.



Lagios, E., Voulgaris, N., Drakopoulos J. & Chailas S. (1989). Geothermal study of Kos Island : Gravity and Magnetic Surveys. Paper pres. 1st Geophysical Congr. of Hellenic Geophysical Society, April, Athens, Greece.

Lagios, E. (1989). Geothermal study of Kos Island: Audio- Magnetotelluric (AMT) Survey. Paper pres. 1st Geophysical Congr. Hellenic Geophysical Society, April, Athens, Greece.

Lagios, E., Dawes, G., Hutton, R.V.S. (1989). Geophysical investigations along the Hellenic Volcanic Arc and their geothermal implications. Paper pres. IASPEI, Istanbul, Aug.21-Sept. 1, Turkey.

Lagios, E. (1989). Geophysical studies for the evaluation of the geothermal potential of Kos Island. Proc. Geol. Soc. Greece (in press).